KHInsider RPG Inferno Wiki

The Volunteers Fighting Darkness or VFD is a RPG Inferno squadron currently under the leadership of k77k.


Our mission is simple. We, as volunteers, devote our time to purifying the darkness that is consuming our world.Yet this fight is not only against the physical manifestation of darkness. Our fight is also against those who have seized the darkness and wish to use it to bring destruction to our once peaceful world.


  1. Read ALL of the rules.
  2. Follow all of the rules of Khinsider.
  3. Follow all of the rules of the KHI Rpg Inferno.
  4. Play nice with other Squads. We don't need fights breaking out.
  5. Get along with your fellow squad mates. Or else.
  6. Keep your names short, so I have to type less.
  7. Always use the coasters. We don't want rings on our nice furniture.
  8. Post in the appropriate place, whether it be the official or social squad thread. No one likes spam. No one.
  9. There will be no Cheshire Cat hate in this squad.
  10. Do not ask for help on the test. I want people to get in on their own merit, not on that of others.
  11. If you somehow manage to get in, please do remember to wear our tag. You've earned it. Our tag is currently ¿ until further notice.


  1. Your wins must exceed four hundred.
  2. The sum of your skill points must be greater than 120.
  3. Three out of four keyblades must be complete. Any three shall do.
  4. There is a 200 munny fee.

Current Active Members[]

Division RPG Scan Forum Scan
Volunteer Cheshire k77k
Volunteer Wynn Wynn
Special Junior Volunteer Richard The Lionheart

Resonant Membership Clause[]

Any member of a VFD division is eligible for membership in any and all other divisions with no questions asked.

Additional Squad Information[]

  • Date Established: June 1, 2009
  • Current Guild Primer Position: 2nd
  • Repute: 25
  • Guild Primer Points: 200
  • Motto: The world is quiet here.
  • Turf: None